PART TWO: On David Costello Prophetic Arts

Continued from last post:

PART TWO: On David Costello Prophetic Arts

One day while working on a small logo for a church, I felt the presence of God come and cover me like a warm heavy blanket. I wanted to feel that presence again so I decided to do the logo again… only bigger! While shopping for supplies the Lord lead me to the pastel section. That was the beginning of a great restoration process – full of passion, creativity and relationship with Father in Heaven. I find it interesting that he would lead me to work in pastels, as it is the one media I never trained in. It keeps me humble and reliant on him.



Born of the Spirit (Pastel)





The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the spirit. (John 3:8)

The above passage of scripture has long been a favorite of mine. The very first time I experienced his presence I felt the wind of his spirit and as a sailor I’m always “tuned in” to the dynamics of wind. For many years whenever I read this passage my spirit would leap within me, but a visual interpretation for what I was feeling never followed. Eventually, in His timing, I received this image and set to work putting it on paper.

 While working on this piece the Lord blessed me in a most remarkable way. I was working intently on the figure at the base of the picture, when a prompting to stop what I was doing and go look out the window of my studio started to grow to the point of distraction. I resisted for some minutes until I could ignore it no longer. Annoyed by the disruption I stood at the window gazing into a perfectly cloudless, clear sky. In anger I spoke out loud; “See! There’s nothing there!” No sooner had I finished the phrase when a small cloud consisting of every color in the rainbow, formed right in front of me. The cloud contained colors I had never seen before and it seemed almost alive in its nature. Totally translucent and fluctuating in size and shape it just hung there in space, not far, but not near either. It was like nothing I’ve ever seen. When I reached for a pair of binoculars to study it further, it dissipated into thin air.

Stunned, I returned to my work but could no longer focus sensing the weight of His presence heavy upon me. In my spirit I heard the Lord’s voice say “Just thought you’d like that…” and again after a few seconds “… by the way, relax.” The rest of my day was spent resting in His presence.


Leap of Faith (Pastel)


I saw 2 images while receiving this vision. This image you see here of a figure leaping out into darkness, light from above signifying God’s Glory, illuminating and upholding the one who trusts in Him, and another figure standing still, dimly lit, engulfed in total darkness and paralyzed by fear. It was clear in my spirit that only one of these images should be featured in a work of art, and there was no question as to which one it should be.

The Lord is always speaking and imparting personal instruction while I work. I am often surprised by his personal messages – often challenging, that he sets before me while working. This particular work offered one of my most memorable lessons.

In the vision I saw a field of thorn bushes in the foreground, a waterfall and mist. I began this work at the bottom, in the thorn bushes. I quickly realized that the Lord required particular attention to each and every aspect of each thorn, each twig. Days turned into weeks and I was still working “in the thorn bushes.” It was tedious work and my patience was tested. I felt liberated when I was finally able to move on to another segment of the drawing. But now my obedience would be tested.

 As the picture progressed, the thorn field on which I had worked so hard, became dimmer and dimmer – covered by the mist of the waterfall. Again and again the Lord directed me to add to the mist. And each time the thorn bushes would become less prominent.  Exasperated, I was confronted with a choice; would pride in my artistry (of the thorns) become a hindrance to the flow of God? Clearly the Lord was saying; “You can do it your way, or we can do it my way.” Often in our daily lives we are confronted with this same choice. His way may not always conform to our agenda. Sometimes it just seems wrong, even foolish at times – but its always the better way.


Strength Found in Weakness (Pastel)



The impetus behind this work came about in an unusual way; 2 separate visions, 6 to 8 months apart. The initial vision I received while resting in the Lord (soaking). It consisted of an angel thrusting a sword through the chest of a demon, and I heard the words: “Death of oppression”. It was short but very vivid in nature – I knew immediately that I was meant to put it on paper.

Working on the rough draft proved difficult There simply was no flow, no Presence present. The main focus of course was the demon and I had never drawn one before (actually, I’ve never seen one in a vision before, or since.) After a few weeks, and a few failed attempts I clearly heard the Lord’s voice in my spirit; “You are not to draw demons”. I was confused. I thought for sure I was meant to put the vision on paper – it was so strong, so vivid. Seeking further instruction produced only one word – “Wait”. During the months that followed, my emotions connected with the vision grew stronger. I became confident that He would give me another image that would convey the same message and that is the image you see here.

This work depicts what can happen when we totally rely on God to fight our battles – when we can rest in that place of total dependence on Him. Contrary to our natural instincts, letting go of our defenses gives way to a force far greater then our own. 

The majority of our struggles are spiritual in nature and therefore can only be fought effectively in the spiritual realm. If we rely on our own strengths we forfeit a greater power. Embracing our weakness while resting in Him is the posture of effective warfare.

 David Costello


Artist David Costello has recently moved his home and studio to Freeport Maine. He has lived and traveled abroad extensively. During the early 1970s David lived in France and Italy, where he exhibited his work in various European countries, winning a number of international and regional awards.

Upon returning to the United States, Mr. Costello continued to show his work in many areas of the country. In 1980, he accepted a position as illustrator at the Lowell Sun, a daily newspaper in New England, where he rose to the position of Graphics Editor before establishing his own successful graphic design business, located in Lexington, Massachusetts. In addition to working with the local community, DC Graphics also sold original T-shirt designs to various national catalogs, Macy’s of New York, and many boutiques in the Northeast.

In 1994, prompted by the Lord, David closed the doors on his business and dedicated his time to searching God’s word and His will. In the fall of 1995, the Lord invaded David’s artwork bringing about a considerable transformation. As a result, dreams and visions have manifested in his life, inspiring every drawing. Mr. Costello regards his work as worship: “God has His plan, my only desire is to be part of it. Seeking His presence is key; in that place where deep meets deep, creativity –  everything flows out of relationship with Father, Creator of all things.”

David travels internationally, speaking on the creative process, the supernatural and intimacy with God. For bookings contact him at:

Boston University
Carmel Art Institute
San Francisco Art Academy
San Francisco Art Institute

Pastel Society of America
CIVA: Christians in the Visual Arts


4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Jean Jones
    Aug 16, 2011 @ 02:09:13

    Awesome, David. God is really at work in you and through you. Keep listening.


  2. Jean Jones
    Aug 16, 2011 @ 02:11:38

    Wonder why it says it’s 2:09 am on the first comment. It’s 10:15 pm here on Aug. 15.


  3. Andre Lefebvre
    Aug 16, 2011 @ 17:18:22

    Hi David, beautiful and inspiring! Love “Strength Found in Weakness,” “Born of the Spirit” and “Leap of Faith.” very much. Pastel is a bit like winds, clouds, it allows more “mystery” in my opinion… and the abandonment of the characters is also pulling on my soul as it identifies with their posture,,, Blessings, and as Jean says, keep listening…


  4. Dawn Taylor
    Aug 18, 2011 @ 02:19:33

    MY GOODNESS! So Amazing…thanks for sharing…takes my breath away….or rather takes me up into a heavenly place……Love your gift dear friend…glorifying Father just being you:)
    Keep it up….hope we see you soon.
    Dawn and JT


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